The Restless Professional: Navigating the Urge for Change

change new direction restless Sep 17, 2024

Are you finding yourself zoning out during meetings, daydreaming about exotic career changes? Do you feel a constant itch for something new, even if you can't quite put your finger on what that 'something' is? Congratulations, you might be a card-carrying member of the Restless Professionals Club! This restlessness, while uncomfortable, is not something to be ignored or suppressed. In fact, it could be the catalyst for positive change in your life and career.

Career restlessness is a common experience, affecting professionals across all fields and levels of success. It's that nagging feeling that despite your achievements, something is missing. This sensation often arises when we have outgrown our current role, when our values have shifted, or when we have been ignoring our true passions for too long. It is essential to differentiate this persistent restlessness from temporary job frustration. While all jobs have their ups and downs, true career restlessness is a constant undercurrent, persisting even during the good times.

Ignoring this restlessness can lead to more than just job dissatisfaction. Over time, it can result in decreased productivity, increased stress, missed opportunities, relationship challenges and even health issues. It is your inner self waving a red flag, signaling that it's time for a change. But here's the tricky part – change doesn't necessarily mean you need to dramatically quit your job tomorrow and join the circus (unless that's your true calling, in which case, go for it!).

Instead, try channeling this restless energy productively. Start by exploring new skills or taking on different projects within your current role. This can help you identify what aspects of work truly engage you. Consider volunteering or freelancing in areas that interest you to get a taste of different fields. Read books, attend workshops, or take online courses in subjects that excite you. The goal is to use this restlessness as a compass, guiding you towards work that aligns more closely with your passions and values.

Remember, that restless feeling is not your enemy – it's your ally in the quest for a more fulfilling career. So, embrace the restlessness and let it lead you to your next adventure!

If you'd like to know more about my workshops, the 6-week Empowering Your Passion program, coaching or energy sessions, please check out my website at or contact me at [email protected]

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