Stuck in a Rut? How to Reignite Your Passion for Work career motivation professional growth reignite passion Oct 15, 2024

Feeling stuck in a professional rut can be frustrating and draining. The work that once excited you now feels mundane, and each day seems to blur into the next. But before you start drafting your resignation letter, consider several strategies to reignite your passion for work and rediscover the...

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Is This Your Time for Exciting, Soul-Aligned Work?! core values personal growth soul-aligned work Oct 01, 2024

Is this your transformation time to align your work with your soul's purpose? Let's explore some practical strategies to turn your potential into soul-aligned work.

First, it is crucial to get clear on what "soul-aligned work" means to you. Take some time for deep reflection.

  • What values are...
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Breaking Through Barriers: Identifying and Overcoming Career Blocks career growth overcoming fear personal empowerment Sep 24, 2024

We all face obstacles in our careers, but some barriers are more insidious than others. These are the internal blocks – the self-limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that hold us back from pursuing our true calling. Today, we’re going to shine a light on these hidden hurdles and...

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The Restless Professional: Navigating the Urge for Change change new direction restless Sep 17, 2024

Are you finding yourself zoning out during meetings, daydreaming about exotic career changes? Do you feel a constant itch for something new, even if you can't quite put your finger on what that 'something' is? Congratulations, you might be a card-carrying member of the Restless Professionals...

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The 'Inner Knowing': Recognizing Your Call to Something Greater follow your passion inner knowing life purpose personal growth Sep 10, 2024

Have you ever felt a persistent nudge, a quiet whisper in the back of your mind suggesting that you are meant for something more? If so, you are not alone. This sensation is not just your imagination running wild or a case of the “grass-is-greener” syndrome. It is what many refer to...

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From Chief Financial Officer to Spiritual Coach: Lessons from a Career Transition change growth kathy's story transformation Sep 03, 2024

Transitioning from a well-respected CFO role (which included a big ego!)) to a passion-fueled career as a spiritual life coach and energy facilitator has been no small feat. It is a journey that has challenged not only my professional identity, but many times, my entire worldview. Today,...

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