From Chief Financial Officer to Spiritual Coach: Lessons from a Career Transition

change growth kathy's story transformation Sep 03, 2024

Transitioning from a well-respected CFO role (which included a big ego!)) to a passion-fueled career as a spiritual life coach and energy facilitator has been no small feat. It is a journey that has challenged not only my professional identity, but many times, my entire worldview. Today, I’ll talk about my personal career transition to share several key lessons that might help you on your own path to more soul-aligned work.

Lesson 1:

Trust your inner knowing, even when it does not make "sense." When I first felt the pull towards spiritual coaching, my logical mind had a field day with doubts and fears. But even with these anxieties, there was a persistent inner voice that would not be silenced. Learning to trust this intuition over outside expectations (e.g. family, friends, employers, society) was crucial. If you’re feeling a similar pull, do not dismiss it. Your inner knowing often sees a bigger picture than your rational mind.

Lesson 2:

Your past experiences are never wasted. Initially, I thought I would have to start from scratch in this new field. But I soon realized that many skills from my corporate life – like problem-solving, communication, and project management – were invaluable in my new role and in starting my own business. Your unique background is an asset, not a liability. It is part of what will make you an accomplished professional in your chosen field.

Lesson 3:

Embrace the discomfort of being a beginner. After years of being an expert in my CFO role, it was humbling to be a novice again. But this beginner's mindset also brought a sense of excitement and openness that rejuvenated my approach to learning. Do not let the fear of starting something new hold you back from exploring an exciting, soul-aligned passion.

Lesson 4:

Your transition may have a far greater impact than you realize. As I aligned more with my authentic path, I noticed positive changes in my relationships, I started to take better care of myself and noticed that my overall happiness with life improved significantly. Your career shift might inspire others or bring unexpected benefits to you and those around you that you never would have imagined. Trust that as you step into your truth, you are contributing to a much wider ripple of positive change.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique. These lessons are not a blueprint, but rather sign posts to help you navigate your own path. The road from the corporate ladder to a soul-aligned career might not always be smooth, but in my experience, it is infinitely rewarding. Trust and stay true to yourself, remain open to learning, and know that each step is bringing you closer to aligning your passion to work that truly resonates with your soul - you have the power to make an incredible difference in this world!

If you’d like to know more about my workshops, the 6-week Empowering Your Passion program, coaching or energy sessions, please check out my website at or contact me at [email protected]

If you’d like to schedule a free 45-minute Clarity Call to discuss your own situation and how I might be able to assist you, please use the following link:




This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Service

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